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How do ducks float in water

posted by Di-G on

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A duck has water-proof feathers. There is a special gland called the 'Preen Gland' or 'Uropygial Gland' near the ducks tail. This tiny gland produces oil which the duck uses to coat its feathers.

The duck picks up the oil with its head and beak, and then smears it all over its body to make the outer feathers waterproof. Without this protective barrier, a ducks feathers would become water-logged and because they spend their whole lives around and in water, this water-proof barrier is extremely important.

Beneath the water-proof coat are fluffy and soft feathers which keep the duck warm.If you were to dip or pour a degreaser on the duck, it would remove the oil and the duck would drown in water.

Because the feathers are waterproof, they can trap air and this also helps to keep the duck afloat.  When the duck dives under for food, the air is squeezed from the feathers.  Also, the duck has air sacs (lungs) that it empties before diving.  When it has caught the fish or whatever it is after, it kicks back to the surface.  As it's head breaks the surface, it takes a deep breath and as the lungs fill up, it is jerked to the surface.  A quick ruffle of the feathers and it is back to normal, floating on the surface.

┗▶ Also They are comfortable walking on ice because their feet have no nerves or blood vessels making the duck unable to feel cold.

► An Informative Page ◄

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