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Kangaroo fart can save the world !

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Kangaroo fart can save the world !

★ A single cow produces about 600 litres of methane every day by farting and belching (enough to inflate 40 party balloons) and methane is capable of trapping 25 times more heat than CO2 ,which is a major cause of Global warming.

★ If this cow farting doesn't stop soon, meteorologists expect that the average temperature of the earth will increase by about 2.5 degrees Celsius which is enough to cause glaciers to melt, causing coastal flooding.

★ Now, in a recent discovery, scientist have found that kangaroo farts are methane free thanks to a particular bacteria in their stomachs. Scientists from Australia are trying to neutralize cow-produced methane by transferring that kangaroo bacteria to cattle and sheep’s guts.

★ Around 15-17% of Global warming is caused due to methane emission, so this seemingly silly idea could actually make a big difference !

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