★ It is considered best food for those suffering from high blood pressure and hypertension.
★ It is rich in insoluble fibre that can possibly protect against many types of cancers.
★ Many scientists believe that such insoluble fibres are vital for protecting the body against cancerous cells.
★ Rice bran oil is said to have antioxidant properties that promotes cardiovascular strength by reducing cholesterol levels in the body.
★ It is also beneficial against the symptoms of asthma and rheumatoid arthritis and can prevent chronic constipation; the insoluble fibre from rice acts like a soft sponge that may be pushed through intestinal tract quickly and easily.
★ Brown rice works extremely good for postmenopausal women with complaints of high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and other symptoms of cardiovascular diseases.
★ In addition to this , it is said that it contains high levels of neurotransmitter nutrients that can prevent Alzheimer disease to a considerable extent.
Bonne appétit . ..