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Spread of Dakota People

posted by Di-G on

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In 1933, a Sioux Chief named Luther Standing Bear wrote down some of the ancient legends of his people.

This 1 tells how the Sioux people began : “The story says that one morning long ago a lone man awoke, face to the sun , emerging from the soil.Only his head was visible, the rest of his body not yet being shaped.The man looked about , but saw no mountains, no rivers, no forests. There was nothing but soft and quaking mud , for the earth itself was still young.Up and up the man drew himself until he freed his body from the clinging soil.At last he stood upon earth,but it wasn’t solid, and his steps were slow and uncertain.But the sun shone and the man kept his face turned toward it.In times of the sun hardened the face of the earth and strengthened the man and he ran and leaped about, a free and joyous creature.From this spread the Dakota nation”.

The Dakota people, a tribe of Native Americans inhabiting the northern Great Plains in the 19 C.

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